Wednesday, July 16, 2014

“National Taxpayer Advocate Identifies Priority Issues for Upcoming Year: Offshore issues AGAIN called out.”

The TAS has just released its FY 2015 objectives. Pages 91-101 deal with OVDP, Streamlined, FATCA. Worth reading the sections on the OVDI/P, FATCA, FBARs and other issues faced by ‘international taxpayers’.

For the record, Congress and the IRS have been warned once again;
“….the tax requirements have become so confusing and the compliance burden so great that taxpayers are giving up their U.S. citizenship in record numbers…….”
However, Congress, Treasury and the IRS continue WILLFULLY down the same path, with the same result.
The report also notes:
“…….Making IITA permanent, with a charter and a strategic plan, would also signal that the IRS is not concerned only with enforcement initiatives with respect to international taxpayers….”
Well, we know for certain by now that the IRS is ONLY concerned with ENFORCEMENT with respect to international taxpayers, and the revenue that they can generate with confiscatory penalties for errors or failure to file mere reporting forms – even in the ABSENCE of any US TAX assessable. They seem not to care where the money comes from and how it was extorted.
“As with other changes to OVD programs, the IRS should allow those who previously applied (even if they have signed closing agreements) to take advantage of the new approach.”
The TAS flags problems with the OVD, FBARs, FATCA, etc. but the IRS refuses to implement her suggestions or commit to the actions recommended.

Well worth reading though depressing because of how adamant the IRS is in continuing to be abusive and exploitive towards those abroad at the same time in which it defends prioritizing services only to those in the homeland ( and cutting services to those in need there too) and defend imposing all the additional burdens and complexities and liabilities faced by those they hold as taxable serfs outside the US – who are already full taxpayers where they actually live.
This confirms once again that if people can find a way to renounce/relinquish without total obliteration or uselessly outing oneself, the numbers of those abroad expatriating will continue to soar.

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