Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why are the US Federal Register published statistics off by a factor of 8?

The data in the Federal Register is 8 times lower than what it should be. This is an exponential inaccuracy.
The Federal Register Quarterly Publication of Individuals Who Have Chosen to Expatriate” . This is a list which supposedly reports the quantity of Expatriating individuals from the US –the number is supposed to include 1) renunciants, 2) relinquishers, and 3) I-407 Figures or those long-term residents who have terminated their visa’s  (“this listing, long-term residents, as defined in section 877(e)(2), are treated as if they were citizens of the United States who lost citizenship”).
A database of those who have renounced their US citizenship exists at the FBI. This is a result of the Brady Bill which disallows renunciants from purchasing firearms. To meet the intent of that act, the list only holds the category of renunciants. The Federal Register does not even match the FBI statistics.
With no access to factual data, one must turn to anecdotal information in order to attempt to pursue a truth. For example, in Belgium, a moderately sized country, the embassy has mentioned that they are processing about  5 renunciations per week, and that this is happening at embassies EVERYWHERE. With 190 countries in the world, this would imply 1000 renunciations per week! In Canada and Switzerland, where awareness of FATCA is very high, most embassies and consulates have waiting periods ranging from 2 to 18 months. The administration itself has reacted–by locking the doors to people of lesser means. First, the administration raised the renunciation fee from zero to $450.  And last month, the renunciation fee was raised to $2350. Compare this to the costs of acquiring a passport–$135.  Imagine that..... a renunciation from the US is 17 times more valuable than a passport to the US !
The data shows that the statistics of the administration just do not add up. What is the motive? What is the agenda? With this data available and analyzed, the burden of proof now lies upon the administration to fact up with its “statistics”. of expatriations

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