Friday, November 28, 2014

As Bruce Springsteen would say, that’s the result of being “Born In The USA”.........

One thing sticks out here and that is denial ....
Centuries ago France helped americans become independant to the english empire because they were fed up with paying 14% taxes on their income at the time to England....please explain to me what has changed or is different in 2014 ??
At the end of the day the only thing that people have and that countries have is their “moral capital”. The USA is rapidly eroding the “moral capital” that it has remaining.
Most Homeland Americans don’t believe that the USA would attempt to levy taxes on (1) somebody who doesn’t live in the USA on (2) income not earned in the USA. Most Homeland Americans would regard this as “unjust”.
They would regard it as “unjust” because Boris Johnson - the major of London like many others” doesn’t live in the USA and didn’t choose where he was born .
Finally, if Homeland Americans knew or understand how compliance with U.S. tax laws outside the U.S. destroyed people’s lives (i’ts really a form of “Life Control”), they would regard it is inhumane.
Yes,  what the U.S. calls “citizenship-based taxation” (making it sound patriotic and reasonable) is actually “place of birth or naturalization taxation”. As Bruce Springsteen would say, that’s the result of being “Born In The USA”.
In fact for those who were “Born In The USA” but who live outside the USA, US tax policies are:
“Unjust, they are inhumane, people didn’t choose where they were born.”
That’s the America of today. Does America care? No.
Does America care that it doesn’t care? No. (and this is the real moral crisis.)
In any event, FATCA is being used by the USA to enforce US extra-territorial taxation outside the borders of the USA. Taxation of “non-US income” on people who “don’t live in the US”, assumes that the USA has a “property right” in people. Why? Well, because they were born on U.S. soil. ? …. This is a moral issue. 
It’s really very simple: citizenship-based taxation is America’s Apartheid system. It is repugnant, immoral and indefensible. Since CBT is so clearly irredeemable, there is really nothing to talk about, unless your intellectual curiosity exists in a profoundly amoral vacuum.
CBT discriminates against a particular group of people on the basis of their place of birth – a characteristic as immutable as the colour of their skin. It labels them, tracks them, intimidates them, criminalizes them and forces them into virtual prisons from which escape is nearly impossible. Worse, the architects of CBT are now co-opting the rest of the world to implement this discriminatory regime for them. It is astonishing and disheartening how quickly and easily this is unfolding.
Far too many countries, cowed by the 30% withholding stick that the U.S. threatens to beat them with, like the FBAR and OVDP sticks they already beat their CBT victims with, simply refuse to challenge America on fundamental moral grounds and it is wrong.
The U.S. does not deserve a free pass on CBT and FATCA any more than the old South African government deserved a free pass for its heinous apartheid policies. Yet several ostensibly modern and enlightened nations have rationalized their acquiescence to FATCA by publicly exclaiming that America has the inherent right to tax its citizens in whatever manner it chooses. Well, in a just world it does not, for CBT represents a clear denial of basic human rights and dignity.
Yes, the global hypocrisy is staggering, especially from countries like Canada. Last year, the Conservative government expelled the consul-general for Eritrea for that regime’s tax extortion efforts against its expats in Canada. Just last week, the same government enthusiastically ushered-in America’s FATCA laws to override our country’s own Charter of rights and freedoms, discriminating on the basis of national origin, gutting federal banking privacy laws and setting the stage for a massive legal challenge which will be fought in the Supreme Court.
Beneath all the technocratic language about forms, compliance, jurisdictions and enforcement, there is a fundamental truth: these American policies are morally unjust and the world must not condone them any longer. FATCA will be a global disaster unless it is stopped now.
It is indeed time for the world to say no to the U.S. practice of citizenship-based taxation and to force it to adopt residency-based taxation like the rest of the world. If not, then the world better find a more deserving reserve currency in a hurry – the United States has abused its position of trust for far too long and it needs to be reminded that it is just one nation in a community of nations. The breathtaking audacity of FATCA is simply a bridge too far.”
For America the attempt to impose taxation on people who don’t reside in the USA because they were “Born In The USA” is evidence of an aspect of “moral bankruptcy”.
The America of today is:
- Financially bankrupt
- Spiritually bankrupt
- Morally bankrupt
And ….
It doesn’t care that it doesn’t care!
Both the USA and South Africa have punitive (as did the Nazis and the Soviets) Exit Taxes. But there is one way that the USA’s Exit Tax is different.Whereas South Africa (and the other two countries I mentioned) imposed Exit Taxes when people physically left the country, the USA imposes an Exit Tax if one renounces US citizenship regardless of whether one physically leaves the USA or not. Think of it:
The USA imposes an “Exit Tax” on many middle class people who do not live in the USA if they don’t want to be an American citizen anymore!

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