Sunday, November 16, 2014

The 2015 filing season will be the worst filing season in over 25 years when even 1040 income tax returns disappeared...........

The IRS National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson predicts:
“…..The filing season is going to be the worst filing season since I’ve been the national taxpayer advocate; I’d love to be proved wrong, but I think it will rival the 1985 filing season when returns disappeared,” she told the audience of tax practitioners, according to Forbes…..”
And for those outside the US who try to be ‘compliant’?
“……It will be even worse for those filing outside the US. “If they are overseas, who are they going to call? There is not toll free number,” Olson noted……” 
So much for all those ‘services’ and ‘rights’ US extraterritorial tax apologists like to cite to justify US taxation forced on the rest of the world based on accidental US birthplace or parentage. Some of those making those claims include US homelanders who’ve left the homeland nest temporarily in order to come up here and strike it rich in the goldfields of crossborder taxation – mining the local assets of many expats being extorted by the US. According to some of these homeland opportunists recently; “… US citizens are afforded many privileges and have access to benefits that non-citizens do not enjoy, including protection abroad, consular services, the right to vote, and easy access to the US job market…. “.
Yes sure. But can they get the IRS on the phone? The Taxpayer Advocate says not.
And we have a firsthand account of a consular official in Canada stating that certain ‘consular services’ and exercising the right of a US citizen to renounce – sought by those in Canada are of ‘low priority’ and are going to stay that way – even when those US citizens pay 2350. USD for the privilege of the ‘service’ that is their legal right. Many can’t ever vote in the US from Canada because they have never lived in the US, never lived there long enough, or didn’t have a US parent who would have qualified. Over half the US states do not allow absentee registration and voting from abroad without a minimum period of US residency – even some of those who may have had a US parent who at some point resided in a US state, are subject to rules about the voting eligibility or residency of the US parent .
And as for ‘protection abroad’? Oh yeah, that must be the US drones and US Homeland security enforcers all set to operate on Canadian soil – but demanding to be exempt from Canadian laws . We need protection from them, not protection by them.

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