Thursday, June 26, 2014

This is not a Republican issue, this is not a Democrat issue, this is an American issue.

America is so much more than that. There is a nation beyond the government and perhaps it's time to start putting the people above the state. While a Republican controlled House and Senate cannot necessarily repeal FATCA as Obama will veto, they CAN defund it. It is ABSURD for the Democratic Abroad to continue to vote for the Democrats who brought this nightmare on them. I support some of the Democratic liberal social policies like gay rights – but frankly, all of that is outweighed by the disaster of CBT and FATCA as created by the Democrats. You need to understand that Democrats Abroad is an organization that exists for the sole purpose of furthering the interests of “The Party” abroad. Once you understand this principle, you can see their statements and behavior for the foolishness and stupidity that it is.

If Democrats Abroad were interested in changing the oppression of Americans Abroad (which they aren’t) then they would appreciate the efforts of all groups – including Republicans Overseas who oppose FATCA. Democrats abroad should get with the program and stop making opposition to FATCA a partisan issue. This is what the angle should be: eliminate  FBAR penalties for local accounts, and go to exemptions from taxation for long time US persons resident abroad. The penalties and the double taxation are what represent U.S. government discrimination against U.S. citizens abroad. Individual rights under the U.S. constitution are not being applied in an even handed way across all Americans, no matter where they live. The U.S. is showing disrespect for the rights of nationals and their families of other countries, and disrespect for other governments pretending that the sovereign borders of America extend the globe.

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