Friday, July 25, 2014

If my bank accounts are “foreign” to the US, doesn’t that make the US government “foreign” to me ?

"It is also important to note that FATCA’s requirements are the same for all American taxpayers—expats are treated no differently. All citizens are required to comply with United States’ tax laws and FATCA is a tool to enforce them. Tax evaders should rightly worry that FATCA will reveal their illicit activities."
Mark J. Marzur, Assistant Secretary for tax policy, United States Treasury Department

(1) The Master Nationality Rule says that every country has the right to consider their resident citizens as only their citizens and not the citizens of any other country; (2) the Dominant Nationalty Rule says that a so-called dual citizen has the right to protection of the country with which they have the closest ties; and (3) The Rule of State Non responsibility, a state, has no right to protect a citizen–or steal from them–if they are currently inside a country in which they have citizenship. FATCA conforms to none of the international rules of dual citizenship.
The above statement of the Assistant Secretary raises a serious moral issue. If the US Treasury wishes to ignore international law, then it is the United States which is involved in the illicit activity.

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