Since the advent of the billable hour as the main way that attorneys
have calculated their ever-increasing legal bills, clients have been
overcharged fistfuls of dollars. Who’s to blame for this? Your
attorneys? Maybe. But let’s be honest, isn’t it you – the client? Who
else has been signing off on these huge bills, and as a result, making
many senior partners very wealthy individuals. The bad news. You are
pretty much S.O.L. getting any of those armored truckfuls of money back.
Ah, c’est la vie. The good news, thanks to technology, globalization,
and BigLaw leaving their backdoor wide open, there are now a veritable
smorgasbord of options available to smart and informed clients, to not
only significantly lower their legal spend, but to do so AND increase
the quality of their legal services. But first, let’s have a quick look
at how we got into this mess…
The Ugly: The vast majority of modern legal work is
performed by a high dollar per hour attorney and/or team of attorneys.
This is how the majority of clients have been billed by their
attorney(s) and/or law firm for at least the last 25 years. All work,
from true high-level work, to the most menial of tasks (which could be
easily accomplished by a good receptionist) was billed out at various
attorney rates, or if you were lucky, paralegal rates. And if the truth
be told, a majority of the work performed could be performed
by persons working at rates less than the billing attorney. At a BigLaw
firm today, those rates can range from $1,000 per hour for the lead
partner, down to $200 for a paralegal. Heck, some of these firms are
charging $335 for a summer associate! Don’t believe that is possible?
Click here.
Teams of associates are assigned to hundreds (and thousands) of hours
of document review and discovery battles, complete with never-ending
meet and confer negotiations and time-consuming motions. Let’s not
forget the ubiquitous continuances and the resultant stream of
back-and-forth scheduling emails, which of course, you are all billed
for. Add all this up and you see seven-figure attorney fees far too
often. Ugh.
The Bad: Some clients began to catch on that their
trusted fiduciaries seemed more interested in the client’s checkbook
than their best interests. Maybe that time came when clients started to
notice that their attorneys were driving nicer cars than them . . . or
maybe the Great Recession forced them to search for greater
cost-savings. Whatever the reason, clients started to challenge (rather
timidly) their attorneys. Discounts, billing guidelines, task code
billing, fixed fees, etc. The problem. Very few of these actually
worked to lower overall legal spend. The white-shoes didn’t get rich by
being pushovers. A $50 per hour “discount” was countered by adding a
paralegal to the case. Hourly rate down, hours up. Billing guidelines,
e.g., no more than 3 hours research without approval, were simply
billed out as “further preparation of motion,” rather than “research.”
Fixed fee cases suddenly settled when the hours expended matched the
fixed fee. In other words, what was giveth, was taketh. And law firm
profits kept soaring.
The Good: Thank your lucky stars for evolution (if
you don’t believe in evolution, you’ve got bigger problems than saving
on your legal fees). For smart clients, the present is a day of wine
and roses. A tipping point has been reached. Real, cost-effective,
quality legal options abound. An informed client can now wrest back
control of their own legal issues. A hypothetical is in order. Let’s
assume a wrongful termination action that in the past (“the Ugly” days)
cost a company $1 million in legal fees and settled on the courtroom
steps for $100,000. $600,000 of the legal bills were spent on
discovery, with the majority spent on document review. Total outlay to
the company is $1.1 million.
Under “the Bad” scenario above, a discount was negotiated up front,
litigation guidelines were put in place, budgets were requested, and
proper staffing was closely-watched. The original $500,000 budget was
quickly exceeded – opposing counsel was engaging in an aggressive
discovery battle (you have no way of verifying this, so there goes the
budget). The billing partner makes sure to carefully tailor the bills
to your guidelines (no research over 3 hours) and paralegals and junior
associates are used on most of the document review. I’ll assume you
kept an eye on the backdoor, and managed to save 10%, but you still
settled on the courtroom steps for $100K. Total legal spend equals $1
million. Pat yourself on the back, maybe ask for a bonus. I just don’t
think you deserve it.
Ah, but now you are finally ready to be “the Good” client. Time to
take the bull by the horns. This is your company, your problem and your
hard-earned cash. Early on, keep the matter in-house and only use
outside counsel in an advisory role. Conduct an aggressive and early
case assessment. Is the case against you strong? 50-50? If so,
include likely litigation costs into the equation and aggressively
pursue non-litigation options. Offer early mediation, attend in good
faith, and bring settlement authority of at least $100K. If it works,
you are out the door for about $125K. Quite a savings. Okay, so you
don’t want to set a precedent, or the ex-employee overvalues the case.
So it’s off to court you go. Again, explore options. Can you bring in
an Axiom or Conduit Law “temporary” lawyer? This will save a boatload of cash and offer more control. Or call Valorem and
ditch billable hours altogether. Okay, too radical for you? Then find
a specialized boutique firm that is ready to “put some skin in the
game.”* You already did your early case assessment. Have frank
discussions of what the company’s expectations are and prepare a
comprehensive and detailed budget with specific and pre-agreed
performance milestones and success bonuses. Require the use of new
technology. If document review is necessary, demand that it is
outsourced to a proven provider like Blackstone or Novus (success story here).
Total hard budget up to trial is $500,000, based on company signing
off on less aggressive discovery, law firm agreeing not to pursue
certain “inefficient” motions (like demurrers and motions to compel),
and use of LPO for document review. Worst case scenario under this
plan: settle on courthouse steps for $100K. Total legal spend
$600,000. Better scenario: do early and limited discovery and pursue
real settlement discussions. If impasse is met, suggest “baseball”
style resolution where each side offers a “final” offer and judge or
arbitrator must pick one offer (no splitting the difference) after a
one-day non-jury trial. You’d be amazed how close the final offers get
under this process. You even “lose” the one-day trial and now owe
$125,000. But your legal fees were only $150K and you owe a $100K
success bonus to the firm for coming in well under the $500,000 budget.
Total legal spend equals $375,000. I think you’ve just earned yourself
a few days on the sand somewhere in the Caribbean!
We all know litigation is uncertain and involves risk. There are
innumerable scenarios that can play out, but this is no excuse to
default to the reign of terror known as the unchecked billable hour. A
far better approach is to have real and open communication with your
attorney(s), and to have full agreement beforehand on how to share risk
and incentivize positive outcomes. And remember, just because your law
firm looks warm and fuzzy while they are raiding your cookie jar, they
can be more ornery than a rabid wolverine when their fees and integrity
are called into question . . . so if you need help, get it.
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